A short (and likely incomplete) list of fall local writing classes…

Dear Writers:

Courtesy of the lovely Sande Trezise and my own inbox, I offer you the below as a resource. I cannot vouch for all of these offerings, as I am not familiar with all of them, but many are quite excellent opportunities!

First, you’ll see a list in brief of current workshops with status as I know it. At bottom, please find info about an opportunity for a once-monthly workshop with our much beloved Susan Kelly-DeWitt.

Happy writing this fall!




Sept.5-The Craft of Voice,8 Wed., 9 students, 6-8:30, $299, ThinkHouse Collective.
Contact : KateAsche.com for details/registration [THIS CLASS IS FULL–see note below about my next class, starting 10/31]



• Sept.9-Oct.22 (no class 10/8)-Write With Ease, Mon. 6-8pm, $20 per session (drop
in) or$155 for all 6. Amherst Writers and Artists Method for creative
writing. Contact: mccleark@gmail.com [Katie is also offering a Write Your Novel AWA-Style class that I think is FULL, so check back in the future, if that’s your bag!]



Sept.8-Short Story Workshop with Jodi Angel, 6 students, 6 Saturdays [THIS CLASS IS FULL]



Sept.15-Story Workshop Sacramento, 12:30-4:30,Sac. Poetry Center,25th & R
$40.00. Contact: mzoekeithley@aol.com
Sept.17-Beginning Fiction Workshop,6 students, 6 weeks,$225,18th & O,
Contact: valeriefioravanti.com
Sept.17-Class in oral storytelling, 1-3pm, Sierra 2 Center, $5 donation,
taught by Mary Mcgrath. Contact: Mae at 916-455-6339 to register.


Oct.4‐Reading Short Fiction as a Writer,8 students,8 weeks,$225,16th & O,



Oct.31-Traditions & Celebrations: A Generative Writing Workshop for All Genres. 6 sessions, 10 students. Stay tuned for price and dates at www.kateasche.com/workshops
Nov.10&11= Master Teacher Workshop, Peter Orner,12 students,10-4 both days,
$400, discussion of student manuscripts.Contact:valeriefioravanti.com
CNF workshops- Sacramento Poetry Center and Slack Collective in Napa. Contact:


Susan Kelly-DeWitt is offering a poetry workshop–a little different once again–beginning the first Saturday in October (10/6) and ending in April 2013. It will meet for three and a half hours the first Saturday of each month, from 9:30-1:00. SKD will also meet with each of you once a month for two hours outside of the workshop date (that date/time to be arranged.) The group will have a book to read and talk about each time–two craft books, four books of poetry, one anthology. There will also be writing assignments each month, and, depending upon how the group feels, a final project. The group will meet in Land Park, Sacramento, at the home of SKD. Snacks provided. SKD would like a firm commitment with a deposit by September 15th, and the balance of the tuition by October 1. (As always though, if tuition is a problem and you need to make a payment plan, let her know. She can’t do it for all but she could for one or two.) For info on cost and other details, please visit her website at www.susankelly-dewitt.com and you can contact her at: skellydewitt@gmail.com

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